Sprucing Up Your Home For A Quick Sale in a Slow Market

Now isn’t the best time to be trying to sell your house. With the pound being weak against other currencies and insecurity over Brexit, people are wary of making any large investments. That being the case, those who do want to buy expect to get a bargain, so what can you do to make sure you get the best price for your property?

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First Impressions First
Kerb appeal is key to making a good impression. A neighbour could be selling their house which is identical to yours but get thousands less if the garden is scruffy and the paint is chipped and flaky. Have a tidy-up, fix up any aesthetic problems which might put a buyer off.

Kitchen Focus
You’d be surprised how much time you actually spend in the kitchen, not just at parties. Making sure the cabinet doors are all straight and close properly, buying new, fashionable handles and resurfacing worktops are easy(ish) and relatively inexpensive ways of giving your kitchen a boost that will make it a more desirable place to be in.

Light Up Your Life
Outdated or broken light fittings make a room look tired and dull. Replace old fashioned lampshades with trendy new designs, strip lighting with more discrete, energy efficient solutions which look nicer and give off a friendlier light.

Bang Tidy
As illogical as it seems, many buyers will have a negative reaction if your home is untidy. Putting things away neatly gives a sense of order and calm which is what people are looking for when they choose a new home.

Wash and Brush-Up
As well as keeping the house tidy, it’s absolutely vital that the place is clean and fresh too. If it looks like the house is hard to keep on top of, buyers will be put off. Wash the walls and doors too as they get grimy from constant touching, but it happens so slowly that you barely notice. Touching up the paintwork needn’t be a big job, just make sure that all chips and places such as doorframes that are worn are given a new coat to make the place look better.

Flawed Flooring
Running a vacuum around is a good place to start but if your carpets are worn out, your vinyl is holey or your laminate is moving then it’s a good idea to get them replaced. It may seem odd to spend money when the idea is to sell the house but repairing or replacing the floor will not only make a great impression on your viewers, it will add real value to the house, and you’ll get a new floor to walk on while you wait to sell.

If you follow these tips, you might find that you don’t even wan to put the property on the market after all!